Static Thought – Drug of My Mind



Static Thought on jenkkipunkkibandi, joka perustettiin 2000-luvun alussa. Heidän ensimmäisen albuminsa avausbiisi käyttää huumeita metaforana oman itsensä ”hukkaamisee”… tai jotain… ota näistä nyt sitten selvää.

”The trouble I cause it’s so plain to see,
that I create my own misery.
The life in myself, itäs like being poor,
no food to eat, no drugs to score.

I try to be strong and do what’s right,
but most of my goals end in a fight.
Like a junkie looking for dope,
the drug of my mind, I just can’t cope.

I’m loosing myself in my own misery.
The life I live no longer I can see.
And like a junkie looking for dope,
the drug of my mind, I just can’t cope.

There must be something positive to this mess.
The light at the end where I’m no longer depressed.
After I fall I always get back up.
This is what makde me so fucking though.

Music is my drug, it’s helped me through and through.
I hope this music will help you too.
But until I’m cured from this drug in my mind.
All my preaching is such a waste of time.

The time came when I had to make a choice.
And when my voice gave way to my brain spat out on image
of a man crying on the steps of a church.
Lying in the pursuit of dying, but when he turned around I realized it was me.”

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