Barney Bigard Sextet – Sweet Marijuana Brown


Barney Bigard oli amerikkalainen jazzmuusikko, soittimaan saxofoni ja klarinetti. Hän soitti muuan muassa Duke Ellingtonin orkesteriaa kunnes toisen maailmansodan jälkeen perusti omaa nimeään kantavia kokoonpanoja. Tällöin hän nauhoitti mm. Sweet Marijuana Brown kipaleen.

”Boy, shes really frantic, the wildest chick in town
She blows her gauge, flies in a rage, Sweet Marijuana Brown
In her victory garden, seeds grow all around
She plants, ya dig, she’s flipped her wig, Sweet Marijuana Brown
She don’t know where she’s going, She don’t care where she’s been
And every time you take her out, she bound to take you in
Boy, that gal means trouble, you oughta put her down
Get hip, take care, look out, beware of Sweet Marijuana Brown”

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