Slade – Gypsy Roadhog



Nenän puuterointia Sladen malliin. Biisi oli vuoden 1977 levyn ”Whatever happened to Slade” ykkössingle ja joutui aiheensa vuoksi BBC:n boikotoimaksi. Biisi kertoo kokaiinidiileristä, joka pakenee ympäri jenkkilää.

”Powdered my nose in Alabama
Out on a limb
Powdered my nose in Indiana
Ain’t that a sin
I had to get my butt out quick
It always works – the old, old trick
I got away just in the nick of time, that’s why
I powdered my nose in Oklahoma
Over the top
I wasted away in New Orleans
I couldn’t stop
Down in the alley – happy dust
Me and Romona we was gettin’ bust
I got away just in the nick of time, that’s why
I got the nickname the Gypsy Roadhog
On the California trail
I gotta keep my wheels movin’ on
I gotta keep me outa jail
Powdered my nose in San Francisco
Down on the bay
It went to my head down in New York City
I was blasted away
And two ugly scuts bust in the room
They took away my little silver spoon
I got away just in the nick of time, that’s why

I’m comin’ through, through, through
I’m looking for you”

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