Backyard Babiesillä meni 2001 lujaa. Dregenin elämänkerrasta napattua:
”Making Enemies Is Good -levyn äänityssopimukseen oli kirjattu kokaiinibudjetti, kevyesti naamioidussa muodossa toki. Se tunnettiin yleisesti nimellä ”Keksipurkki”. Sen olemassaoloon viittasi levyn avausraita, sattuvasti nimetty I Love to Roll, joka päättyy kollektiiviseen snorttaukseen. kaikki bändin jäsenet sekä studion vieraat kantoivat kortensa kekoon.”
”I love to roll with the 1, 2, 3,4!
Flashback! Time to drop the bomb!
Yeah! Boomshaka-lickebomb!
Love it! Hate it! Love it! Love it!
Hate it! Love it! Trippin’! Damn! Hate it!
Fuck home Stockholm! Hate it!
Cause I’m a musical prostitute! Are you crazy?
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Sex! Say what? Drugs! Say what? Rock! Say what?
I love to roll with the
sex! Say what? Drugs! Say what? Rock! Say what?
I love to roll with the
There is something with the drugs today
It’s nothing new to me
And there is something wrong with the sex today
I fuckin’ love it! Hardcore! Hate it! Love it! C’mon! Go!
Love it! Hate it! Love it! Thrash! Madness! Hate it!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Sex! Say what? Drugs! Say what? Rock! Say what?
I love to roll with the
sex! Say what? Drugs! Say what? Rock! Say what?
I love to roll with the rock!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Love it! Hate it! Love it!
1, 2, 3, Gimme more!
Love it! Hate it! Love it! Hate it!
Love it!”