Nine Inch Nails – Hurt



Myös Johnny Cash on tehnyt oivallisen coverin tästä kipeästä kappaleesta. Laulun kertoja ei vaan saa elämästään otetta, vaan satuttaa aina itseään.

”I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that’s real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything”

4 kommenttia artikkeliin ”Nine Inch Nails – Hurt”

  1. ihan järkyttävän hienot sanat, jotka alkaa kuiskimaan hiljaisuudesta.
    kuvaa niin upeasti sitä hiljaista kamaoloa, että väreet juoksee selässä.

  2. ”I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that’s real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    I wear this crown of thorns
    Upon my liar’s chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stain of time
    The feeling disappears
    You are someone else
    I am still right here

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I would keep myself
    I would find a way ”


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