Harlem Hamfats – The Weed Smoker’s Dream



Hamppujazzia 30-luvulta. Harlem Hamfatseilla oli kyseenalainen maine tuolloin, koska useammatkin heidän sävellyksistään käsittelivät huumeita, seksiä ja viinaa.

”Sittin’ on a million
Sittin’ on it every day
Can’t make no money givin’ your stuff away
Why don’t you do now
like the millionaires do
Put your stuff on the market
And make a million too

Fay’s a betting woman
She bets on every hand
She’s a trickin’ mother for you every-where she land
Why don’t you do now
like the millionaires do
Put your stuff on the market
And make a million too

May’s a good-lookin’ frail
She lives down by the jail
On her back though she got hot stuff for sale
Why don’t you do now
like the millionaires do
Put your stuff on the market
And make a million too”

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